We're Not Affiliated With the Government
Some companies in our industry will disguise their websites to appear to be official government websites, with a tiny disclaimer at the bottom of the site. Their logos, colors and fonts are akin to what you'd see at a true government site (ie. Statue of Liberty/US Flag/Round Seal-Logo). These companies tend to have many BBB complaints, and a quick online search of their reputation instantly exposes their folly.
We don't want people to mistake us for the government. Unlike some competitors, we go out of our way to make this clear throughout our website — in our branding, in our logo, in our company name, and in the superb services we offer.
Secondly, We Don't Sell Government Forms
All USCIS forms are free online. We sell services to assist in obtaining visas, green cards and citizenship. Forms are the easiest part of this whole process. We do far more than forms.
What is RapidVisa Legal?
RapidVisa Legal is authorized by the Utah Supreme Court to provide online legal immigration services across the U.S. and around the world. Under the new Utah Legal Regulatory Sandbox, our customers get the best of modern technology and legal assistance — at a fraction of what it costs to hire a traditional law firm.
Finally, Here's What We Actually Do
Much like some extremely reputable companies in parallel industries, such as TurboTax or LegalZoom, we've built state-of-the-art, attorney-reviewed cloud software that takes the pain out of the immigration process. But we offer more than just an online form simplifier. We typically help our customers for several months to a year, all for one flat fee.
What exactly are you paying for?
Full Phone Support 7 Days a Week
Our several dozen staff are trained to take your calls to help customers with the many questions they have along the way (Not legal questions!). Our phones are answered by our in-house employees who undergo at least 3 months of training before taking a call and are not outsourced to a third party. This support is offered in English.
Live Chat Support 7 Days a Week
Even long after you pay, chances are you will have many quick questions come up along your journey, and the convenience of chat will be more valuable to you than you even realize. We handle tens of thousands of live chats every year and have won awards for our level of service.
Secure Drop Box for Transferring Files
Each customer gets access to secure document transfer. This includes not only the documents we generate, but sensitive documents customers need to share with us, like marriage certificates, birth certificates, bank statements, and many more. This saves on postage and increases the speed of the entire process.
Secure Account Accessible from Anywhere in the World
We store your account no matter how much information you have entered, and for however long it takes you to finally petition. Some customers take quite some time gathering obscure information to answer our questionnaire and the convenience of this info saving along the way is not offered by most, if any, competitors. Additionally, both the alien and petitioner can access this account simultaneously to enter their respective sections. We even save the information in your account for when you need to apply for subsequent steps of the immigration process, making the next steps astronomically more convenient.
Document Guidance, Review & Submission
Not only does our software generate a packet that is customized with specific forms needed based on your answers, but it also generates a unique checklist of supporting items to include in your petition. These forms and items could vary based on things like: do you have children; have been previously married; what country is the alien coming from; and many more. To do this manually is time-consuming and risky. Apart from the automated aspects, we also have 3 humans review each petition for accuracy, typos, mistakes and to ensure all evidence is included. A full staff of petition assembly members make sure everything is 100% complete before going out to the USCIS. Catching a simple missing signature can save weeks off the overall time.
Postage Fees & Petition Materials
Included in our Premium Review Service is the postage fees from USPS Priority Mail, and all the folders, photo enclosures and other materials needed to professionally assemble your petition. We even offer the convenience of our commercial printers and shredders when needed.
Charging Government Fees to a Credit Card
The government only accepts checks and money orders. We offer a convenient service of allowing you to let us charge your card, and then we write a check to the government for you.
Payment Plans (Including USCIS Filing Fee!)
We can finance your entire petition filing, including the USCIS filing fee. We don't even do a credit check. We want you to reunite with your loved ones, so we offer this service to broaden it to as many as possible. We don't even charge accruing interest. Just a flat fee divided into 6 payments. For more information on the installment plan go here.
Money-Back Guarantee
We have done a lot to maintain a 99.7% visa approval. Due to the fact we've done this many thousands of times, we're familiar with every step of the process. We stand behind our experience with an money back guarantee.
Phone & Email Courtesy Notifications
We include all 3 of these ways to alert you of updates with your account. For example, our petition team discovers you have forgotten to include the appropriate passport photos. You will receive an automated phone call or email alerting you that your petition is on hold until we get the passport photos. This service drastically reduces the amount of delays caused from missing items, which are more common than you may think.