If you’re eligible for a K1 Fiancé Visa, use this tool to see what your possible chances of approval may be. Please note your results are not guaranteed and this non-scientific tool represents our best guess based on anecdotes and feedback we hear from thousands of customers. It is for informational purposes only.
What country is the foreign fiancé from?
What gender is the United States petitioner?
How much of an age difference is there between you and your fiancé?
How long have you been in a relationship together?
How many times have you physically met each other?
Do you both speak at least one common language?
How much of an age difference is there between you and your fiancé?
How long have you been in a relationship together?
How many times have you physically met each other?
Do you both speak at least one common language?
Based on your criteria, as long as you are eligible for a k1 visa, you have
of being approved for a K1 Fiancé Visa.
Your Score
Please note your results are not guaranteed and this non-scientific tool represents our best guess based on anecdotes and feedback we hear from thousands of customers. It is for informational purposes only.
To see what risk factors you may have, please visit