Sharlene asks: "Hi. I just want to ask about the CFO in the Philippines. I came across it when I was checking out your site. Do I need to do it now even before we start the visa process with you?"
The CFO stands for "Commission on Filipinos Overseas". In the Philippines, you have what is called a pre-departure seminar that every Filipino citizen has to attend before they leave the country. This is the only country in the world that we know that has this requirement. But to answer your question, if you'll go the CFO website, to their actual site, they have a list of requirements on there, and you should see one requirement is that you must have your visa in-hand plus you must also have a photocopy of it. You'll also need your passport and there's a few other things they have on that requirement list.
But to answer your question, you're going to need the visa in your hand to get the CFO sticker. Now, you may be able to go online and register and schedule your appointment in advance. You may even be able to attend the seminar. But you will not receive a sticker until you have the visa in hand. For this reason, it's advisable not to attend the seminar until you have the visa.