Next question comes to us from Instagram: "Do you guys mainly help with the Philippines? My fiancee is from the Dominican Republic."
Excellent question. Last time I checked, I believe we've processed visas from over 174 countries. We do mention Philippines a lot because we do have a couple of call centers over there, and we do have a ton of testimonials from the Philippines. Dominican Republic is our number three or four country, only behind the Philippines and China and Colombia is right in there as well. We process a lot of visas from Dominican Republic. Hopefully that puts your mind at ease and lets you know that we process a lot there. We're very experienced with petitions from there. Our success rate is extremely high from there. So don't hesitate to give us a call, and sign up.
The Philippines, despite being a small country of about only 100 million people, is the number one country in the world for fiancee visas to the United States. And I'm not talking about for RapidVisa, which it also is for RapidVisa. I'm talking about the entire United States. In fact, there are more fiancee visas from the Philippines than the next five countries combined. So, if you add up Mexico, China, Canda, the U.K, etc... All of those together, do not equal the number of fiancee visas from the Philippines. And that's not a RapidVisa stat, that's a worldwide stat.
That's why you may see a lot of questions, for example in our live broadcasts, people from the Philippines, is because that is far and away, by significant numbers, the number one country for fiancee visas. Why that is, none of us have ever been able to figure out. But for some reason, it's an extremely popular visa method from the Philippines. So, the reason you hear about it a lot on our live broadcasts is not because we're a Philippine-focused company. We focus on all countries. It's just because that's where the numbers are.