Fiancée or Spousal Visa from San Marino to USA!

San Marino Country Information

San Marino is part of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), which means that citizens of San Marino may enter the United States for up to 90 days without a visa for the purposes of tourism or business. For all other types of travel and for stays longer than 90 days, foreign visitors to the United States require a visa.

Visa Info in San Marino

Unified Webpage for all U.S. Citizen Services Throughout Italy

The U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Italy has developed a single website to provide information to those seeking visas to enter the United States. Please visit the Italy-wide Visa information webpages.

Testimonials from San Marino

Rapid Visa saves time by eliminating the back and forth of dealing with the bureaucracy of the government and their slow responses. They do this by checking your application and other paperwork for errors in advance of filing. This saves time and frustration. The service was well worth the expense.

Our photo was taken at the airport in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Confesora and I will have a long and happy life together.

~ David and Confesora

David and ConfesoraDominican Republic / United States of America