Fiancée or Spousal Visa from Bangui, CAR to USA!

Central African Republic Country Information

Note: The Consular section in Yaoundé and Brazzaville accept residents of the Central African Republic without prior appointment for visa interviews during normal business hours. All other consular sections require previously scheduled appointments for consular services.

US Visa Info in Central African Republic

Visa services are not available in Bangui at this time. All visa applications are processed at:

U.S. Embassy, Consular Section - Yaoundé , Cameroon

U.S. Embassy, Consular Section - Kinshasa , Democratic Republic of the Congo

U.S. Embassy, Consular Section - Paris , France

U.S. Embassy, Consular Section - Brazzaville, Congo

US. Embassy, Consular Section - N'Djamena, Chad

Testimonials from Central African Republic

I want to thank everyone at rapid visa. My fiancé was approved we could not have done this without rapid visa everyone there always answered my many questions. Never was there a delay because of an error in the paper work without rapid visa i feel there would have been many errors and mistakes in the forms and paper work. My fiancé visited the rapid visa offices in Cebu and Manila the people there were very helpful easing her mind making sure all of her documents were correct before her interview at embassy. Thank you rapid visa we both love everyone there.

~ Robert and Charity

Robert and CharityPhilippines / United States of America