Ireland to United States Fiancé and Spousal Visas or Adjustment of Status

Ireland Country Information

Are you in the process of bringing your fiancée or spouse from Ireland to the US? RapidVisa can help you along the entire process from start to finish at a fraction of the cost of an immigration lawyer. Give us a call if you have questions. We man our phones 7 days a week and when you call, a real person answers.

Information about getting married in Ireland

United States Embassy, Dublin Ireland

Embassy Website:

Embassy Phone Number: 353 1 668-8777

Embassy Email Address:

URL for scheduling the interview online:

Can fiancé/spouse attend the interview: Yes

Where to pay the Embassy fee: You need a Euro bank draft or postal order for the visa application fee. The bank draft/postal order must be presented to the cashier at the Embassy in Dublin on the day of your appointment.

Local language documents need translated: All documents should be accompanied by English translations.

Medical Examination Fee: The fee for adults is €350

Embassy appointment scheduling method: Callers in Ireland should dial 1580 47 VISA (1580 47 8472).Callers in Ireland may also use the Credit Card Payment Option. To use this option please call (01)436-0536. Calls cost 16 Euro payable through credit card (Visa or MasterCard).Callers from outside Ireland can only use the credit card option. In this case, in addition to the fee, international dialing costs will be charged by your operator. The number to be dialed in this case is +353-1-436-0536.

Medical appointment scheduling method: The medical examination is performed by the Embassy's appointed medical physician; details below. The medical examination cannot be performed by any other physician.

Dr. Tim Gleeson,
Irish Health Care Unit 3,
Blackrock Clinic, Rock Road,
Blackrock Co. Dublin.
Tel: (01) 288-0111.

Number of photos required for the Embassy Interview: 2

Number of photos required for Medical Examination: 1

Testimonials from Ireland

“谢谢”已经不能表达我对RapidVisa的感激之情了。其实,当我在找移民律师时,偶然打开了RapidVisa。你应该知道,我当时已经与移民律师联系过,讨论我如何带我的中国未婚妻到美国。他告诉我,申请K-1未婚夫/妻签证,费用是3000元以上。我不是律师,不是医生,也不是有钱人;我只是一个普通男人。我要养家糊口,没有那么多钱可以花。所以我决定选择RapidVisa的服务,起码我负担得起服务费用。后来证明这是我这辈子做过最正确的决定之一。该网站使用起来很方便。 24小时客户服务人员总是非常礼貌友好。我在2012年6月申请的K-1签证,2013年2月我就已经和我的未婚妻到南卡罗来纳州了,三月份的时候,我们结婚了。如你所知,我也用RapidVisa为我妻子申请调整身份(AOS)。你会很开心知道我们已经完成了生物识别阶段,距她拿到绿卡就只剩下面试这一步了。 再次感谢你Chona,还有RapidVisa的每个人。

~ Mike 和 Xian

Mike 和 XianChina / United States of America