
  1. Resources
  2. Glossary
  3. Domicile

Domicile is the country where a person has his or her principal residence and intend to maintain the residence in the future. To be a immigrant visa petitioner, the petitioner must domicile in the U.S.. A sponsor living abroad can still meet the domicile requirement if he's in one of the following situations and are able to provide evidence:

  1. The residence in the foreign country is just temporary, the sponsor has maintained his or her domicile in the U.S. (proof of residence as evidence)
  2. The sponsor has plan to establish his or her domicile in the U.S. no later than the date of the intending immigrant's admission to the U.S.
  3. The sponsor is temporarily employed  by certain organizations, including
  • U.S. government
  • U.S. institution of research recognized by the attorney general
  • U.S. firm or corporation or its subsidiary engaged in whole or in part in the development of foreign trade and commerce with U.S.
  • Public international organization in which the U.S. participates by treaty or statute
  • religious group having a genuine organization with the U.S.

Evidence as intention to maintain domicile

  • Documents showing he or she has a physical residence in the U.S.. For example, utility bills or rent contract.
  • Records of paying state of local taxes
  • A voting record in the U.S.
  • Bank statement accounts in the U.S.


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