Family Visas from Malawi to USA!
We process more family visas from Malawi to USA than any other company, and we do it all online. We have helped U.S. citizens from all over the United States bring their fiancé here from countries all over the world. Our website is secured with 256 bit SSL encryption, the same security used by online banking software.
United States Embassy, Lilongwe Malawi
Embassy Website:
Embassy Phone Number: (265) 1 773 166
Embassy Email Address:
URL for scheduling the interview online:
Can fiancé/spouse attend the interview:
Where to pay the Embassy fee:
Local language documents need translated: All documents not written in English or in the official language of the country in which the interview takes place MUST be accompanied by a translation in English. Translations must be certified by a competent translator and notarized.
Medical Examination Fee:
Embassy appointment scheduling method:
Medical appointment scheduling method: - Lilongwe
Number of photos required for the Embassy Interview:
Number of photos required for Medical Examination:
Testimonials from Malawi
One thing I can say is that by using Rapid Visa, everything went smooth and quick. We had our visa within 4-5 months. If anything, I would say that Rapid Visa had us over prepared. At our interview, the guy only asked us one question and that was how we met. All the proof we included per Rapid Visa instructions was sufficient enough.
Now my fiancé is here and we have married, and are working on the adjustment of status paperwork with Rapid Visa. I have already recommended the company to another friend who is bringing over her fiancé next year.
~ Kathryn and Gil