Family Visas from Gabon to USA!

Gabon Country Information

Our process works exactly like the proven processes of online services like TurboTax and LegalZoom (we are not associated with either of these companies). We have helped U.S. citizens from all over the United States bring their fiance here from countries all over the world. Our software is far more accurate than those manually prepared because just like the online tax software, we remove the human error factor. But unlike the online tax software, our trained staff also reviews your completed petition and answers all your questions. It's FREE to Get Started!

US Embassy Info in Gabon

United States Embassy, Libreville Gabon

Embassy Website:

Embassy Phone Number: (241) 01-45-71-00

Embassy Email Address:

URL for scheduling the interview online:

Can fiance/spouse attend the interview: Generally, people applying for visas are the only ones allowed into the Embassy for the interview.

Where to pay the Embassy fee:

Local language documents need translated: All documents not written in English or in the official language of the country in which the interview takes place MUST be accompanied by a translation in English. Translations must be certified by a competent translator and notarized.

Medical Examination Fee: - Libreville

Embassy appointment scheduling method: Interviews with the Consular officer are scheduled after the medical examination. The processing time for visas after the interview will vary depending on the individual circumstances of each case.

Medical appointment scheduling method: - Libreville

Number of photos required for the Embassy Interview: 2

Number of photos required for Medical Examination: 2

Testimonials from Gabon

"Estamos muy contentos y satisfechos con el trabajo de RapidVisa, ya que gracias a su ayuda pude traer a los Estados Unidos que ahora es mi esposa con Visa K1, ahora estamos en el proceso de ajuste de estado con RapidVisa. Esperando los mismos resultados, muchas gracias por ayudarnos a cumplir nuestro sueño."

~ Junior y Jenny

Junior y JennyHonduras / United States of America