Fiancée or Spousal Visa from Bangui, CAR to USA!

Central African Republic Country Information

Note: The Consular section in Yaoundé and Brazzaville accept residents of the Central African Republic without prior appointment for visa interviews during normal business hours. All other consular sections require previously scheduled appointments for consular services.

US Visa Info in Central African Republic

Visa services are not available in Bangui at this time. All visa applications are processed at:

U.S. Embassy, Consular Section - Yaoundé , Cameroon

U.S. Embassy, Consular Section - Kinshasa , Democratic Republic of the Congo

U.S. Embassy, Consular Section - Paris , France

U.S. Embassy, Consular Section - Brazzaville, Congo

US. Embassy, Consular Section - N'Djamena, Chad

Testimonials from Central African Republic

Thank you RapidVisa I and my husband Eric Houck started my immigration process(spousal visa) back in 2016 with you. Rapid visa made sure all tge paperwork needed was complete. That saved us time and emotional stress. We finally closed this looooong process few weeks ago with the help and guidance of rapid visa associates. I am officially an American citizen. They were always available to answer our questions. I highly recommend rapid visa.

~ Eric and Veronica

Veronica and EricKenya / United States of America